FDNY remote tactical training

FDIC 2024 Preview: Remote Tactical Training

Members of FDNY Remote Tactical Training share skills that will enhance your department's training.
Will-Burt at FDIC

FDIC 2021: Will-Burt Mobile Sentry

The Will-Burt Mobile Sentry tethered aerial system (TAS) is an automated, quick-deploy, tethered drone system capable of delivering scene lighting and enhanced visual surveillance.
Fire broke through the windows in the room where flashover occurred.

Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Teams with NFSA, TN Firefighters for Virtual Reality Video Shoot

The National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA) paved the way for a successful Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC) live-fire video shoot on location in Ashland City,…

Sharing Your TI Knowledge

How can you work more closely with other agencies in your community to share your thermal imaging knowledge for other applications?

Helping Protect Firefighters by Getting More Eyes on the Fire

With five stations, 56 full-time personnel, and 10 part time personnel, Rochester Hills, Michigan is putting firefighter and community safety first with a purchase of…

Robotic Vehicle at Work on Los Angeles Fire

Fire quickly swept into and through a 300' x 300' one-story commercial building.

3Mâ„¢ Scottâ„¢ Fire & Safety Introduces A New Way to Communicate on The Fireground

The Vision C5 facepiece with radio direct interface operates with compatible 3Mâ„¢ Scottâ„¢ Air-Pakâ„¢ SCBA, as well as compatible two-way radios.