GA Battalion Chief AL Shooting

Coweta County (GA) Fire Battalion Chief Killed in AL Shooting

A fire battalion chief from Georgia was killed in a roadside shooting that injured two other people in Chambers County on Sunday night, the sheriff’s office said.

Two Dead, Three Critical in Mass Shooting at Baltimore (MD) Block Party; 28 Injured

Two people were killed and 28 were wounded in a mass shooting in Baltimore Sunday morning, including three who are in critical condition.

Sacramento (CA) Shooting: Six Dead, 12 Injured

Six people are dead and 12 more people are injured after a predawn shooting in Sacramento on Sunday.

Jackson (MS) Firefighter Literally Dodges Bullet from Gunfight Outside Station

A bullet from a gunfight outside tore through a window at Jackson Station 19 on Ridgewood Road Tuesday night and lodged in a sofa.

One Dead, Five Wounded on Heels of Indianapolis, IN, Shootings

One person was killed and five were wounded in several overnight shootings in Indianapolis, IN.

Suspect Who Fatally Shot Detroit Fire Department Lieutenant Set for Arraignment

The court appearance will be the first since Lt. Francis Dombrowski, 55, was shot at a Troy gas station earlier this week. The suspect is…

Lessons from a Fire Station Shooting

When it comes to security at the firehouse, how much is too much? How much is too little?