WA Heroes Bill

New WA Governor Backs Tri-City Lawmaker ‘Heroes’ Bill to Help Cops, Firefighters, Others

Gov. Bob Ferguson says he'll help a Tri-City lawmaker's bill reach his desk, paving the way for a new program that would help Washington's police and firefighters buy their first homes.

Retirement Planning: To Drop or Not To Drop

Many fire departments have a Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP). The DROP is an optional benefit that allows members to continue to work and earn…

Is It Time to Switch Banks?

If you’re looking for a higher yield on your savings, check out accounts from internet banks, which offer many of the best deals.

Increased Flexibility for HELPS Act Eligibility

The HELPS Act required premium payments to be made directly to the provider from the eligible retirement plan. The SECURE 2.0 Act repealed that.

Striving for Mediocrity: The Paralyzing Agent of the Fire Service

If your organization has not encountered this shift yet, consider yourself fortunate, but plan accordingly.