REV Fire Group to Host 27th Annual Fire Truck Training Conference

As the largest and most in-depth combined training symposium and testing event in the nation, FTTC has expanded this year.

Ferrara Dealer Fire Master Expands into Oklahoma

Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. is pleased to announce its dealer Fire Master will expand into Oklahoma.

Corteva Agriscience Takes Delivery of Ferrara Inferno Industrial Pumper

The Corteva Agriscience Fire Department has taken delivery of a Ferrara Inferno® Industrial Pumper.
Ferrara Tractor Drawn Aerial

Ferrara Fire to Showcase TDA, All-Electric Vector at FDIC 2023

Ferrara Fire Apparatus will exhibit the latest in fire apparatus and technology at FDIC International.
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Ferrara™ Equips Birmingham Fire & Rescue with 12 New Units

The order includes nine Ferrara Igniter® LFD cabs.
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ExxonMobilâ„¢ Refining and Supply Joliet Refinery Tap Ferrara® Fire Apparatus for Latest Purchase

ExxonMobil Refining and Supply Joliet Refinery will add a Ferrara Inferno® Industrial Super Pumper® to its fleet.

Ferrara® Equips Yonkers (NY) Fire Department with New Pumper

The new apparatus, an Inferno with an MVP extruded aluminum body, will replace the department’s current rescue/pumper.