Pamelia (NY) Volunteer Fire Department

Off-Duty Pamelia (NY) Fire Captain Saves Trapped Family

What started as a drive to check on a seasonal home for a friend ended with a Pamelia volunteer firefighter saving four people who were trapped in a basement because of an attached garage on fire.
Grant County Fire District

First Responder Focus: Married Firefighters Save Lives Together

CW and Emily Forrest volunteer together for the Grant County Fire District 7.

D.C. Firefighter Stood Guard Over Soldier’s Body Recovered From Potomac Crash

As first responders recovered the remains of Staff Sergeant Ryan O’Hara from the Potomac River, a probationary firefighter and former Marine noticed the soldier’s uniform…
west hartford (CT) drew barrymore show

‘Scary Moment’ Leads to West Hartford (CT) Firefighters Appearing on TV With Drew Barrymore, Denis Leary

A mayday alert five years ago sparked a series of events that led to a group of West Hartford firefighters being on national television this week.
FIve After Midnight

Five After Midnight: Fire Service Culture, Brotherhood, and the Internet’s Impact

Stephanie White and Bobby Eckert take a candid look at the evolving culture of the fire service and the growing influence of the internet on training,…

Detroit Fire Department Marks 90th Birthday of Longtime Chaplain

George Aren has served the department in various capacities since 1987 and has been the fire department's chief chaplain for 22 years.
Bamberg County SC Logo

‘Faith in the Firefighters’ – Clear Pond (SC) Fire Department Recognized for Saving Two Lives

Bamberg County Council has recognized the efforts of the Clear Pond Fire Department in saving two lives following a vehicle accident on Nov. 7.

Shelby (WI) Firefighter Retires After 4 Decades of Service

Bob Wagner has been a fixture at the Shelby Fire Department for 40 years.
Sacramento Firefighters Save Baby

How a Baby Born 18 weeks Early on Highway 99 Was Saved by Sacramento (CA) Firefighters

Saving the baby was made possible by the speed of the paramedics and firefighters who responded to Quijano’s call.