Registration Open for 2025 NVFC Training Summit

The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) announced that registration is now open for the 2025 NVFC Training Summit, which will take place June 20-21 in Salt Lake City.
Los Angeles County fire recruits

Leading the Charge: Innovative Leadership Strategies for Fire Service Recruitment and Retention

How can fire service leaders effectively attract and retain the next generation of firefighters while maintaining high standards?

Five After Midnight: Worst Responders

Stephanie White sits down with Matt from Worst Responders to talk about why the fire service is seeing such an exit in numbers, and how…
Creedmor NC firefighters during roof operations

What Is the Culture of Your Fire Department?

When the culture of a volunteer fire department is dysfunctional and toxic, retention is a problem and recruitment is nonexistent.

Wichita (KS) Launches Firefighter Wellness Initiative to Combat Cancer

Wichita Fire Station One kicked off a firefighter wellness initiative to begin providing yearly cancer screenings for Wichita firefighters.

New Bill Aims to Expand Cancer Death Benefits for NC Firefighters

A new bill working its way through the North Carolina General Assembly would expand death benefits for firefighters diagnosed with cancer.

CT Town’s ‘First Responder Village’ Housing Plan Slammed as Firefighter ‘Frat House’

The Board of Finance slammed what members described as a "not fully baked" plan for affordable housing.

Meta Leadership in the Fire Service

Are you a meta-leader creating new leaders to become living messages to a future fire service that you will not live to see?

Recruiting in Today’s Fire Service: Facing Challenges Head-On

We must start thinking out of the box because the younger generation is not reading the paper.