Between the ages of 50 and 75, firefighters make crucial, permanent decisions that can dramatically impact their lifestyle in retirement.
It is important to have a plan so you can be well-informed and make appropriate adjustments to benefit your family while you still have time.
It is never too early or too late to ensure you’re set-up to maximize your retirement income and take advantage of every entitlement you’ve earned as a firefighter. Don’t wait to have confidence and clarity regarding how and when you’ll be able to retire.
Chris Bauchle is a career firefighter with the Indianapolis (IN) Fire Department. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, holds a Master’s degree in Finance, and has served well over 100 firefighter families as a financial advisor.
More educational content can be found at firefighterfinancialadvisor.com, where you can subscribe to his quarterly newsletter and be notified of future Firefighter Nation articles.
Photo by Mohamed Hassan form PxHere