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Firefighters at the scene of a 2023 fire

Battling Firefighter Cancer through Legislation and Resources

The National Volunteer Fire Council discusses two of the major legislative initiatives it supports in the effort to combat firefighter cancer.

Navigating Anger and Recovery Through EEG Analysis and Neurofeedback

Host Jim Burneka speaks with guest Stephanie Ryall about how our first-responder occupations can change our brains, and not always for the better.
Firefighters on the fireground

The Courage to Lead: Developing Leaders Beyond the Basics

True leadership lies in having the courage to make tough and sometimes-unpopular decisions that are vital for the organization’s success and the safety of its…
Megan Lautz and Annette Zapp

Fueling Fire: Enhancing Wellness and Nutrition for First Responders

Host Megan Lautz talks with Annette Zapp about the crucial components of firefighter wellness, including nutrition, sleep, and mental health.

Wichita (KS) Launches Firefighter Wellness Initiative to Combat Cancer

Wichita Fire Station One kicked off a firefighter wellness initiative to begin providing yearly cancer screenings for Wichita firefighters.

New Bill Aims to Expand Cancer Death Benefits for NC Firefighters

A new bill working its way through the North Carolina General Assembly would expand death benefits for firefighters diagnosed with cancer.