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Firefighter with hose stream

Journaling for Firefighters: Laying the Foundation

Journaling is a dependable, proven, and adaptable tool that firefighters can use to help process their experiences and bolster mental well-being, writes Brandon Douglas.
Salmon fish Steak, Chicken meat, Chicken liver, Beef meat Steak

The Carnivore Conundrum: Does It Fit the Fire Service?

Many proponents of the carnivore diet cite its purported nutritional and physical benefits. But does it work for firefighters?

Tailboard Misfits: Jesse and Micah Horton

Host John Velez sits down with Jesse and Micah Horton of Hortons and Hunt to discuss fire service leadership, mentorship, and training.
Firefightter staring off into the distance 6301 E Washington St

The Benefits of Fire Service Coaching and Mentoring

Ken Fowler considers the distinction between mentors and coaches and challenges to implementing these approaches in your fire department.
Fire Lt. William Boynton

Retired Seattle Firefighter Denied Coverage for Work-Related Cancer

A retired Seattle fire lieutenant is fighting to try to win coverage for treatment of a work-related cancer.

D.C. Firefighter Stood Guard Over Soldier’s Body Recovered From Potomac Crash

As first responders recovered the remains of Staff Sergeant Ryan O’Hara from the Potomac River, a probationary firefighter and former Marine noticed the soldier’s uniform…