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Firefighter making cuts on a roof

Training Load Periodization: A New Model for Firefighter Fitness Development

Alan Russell describes how to employ the concept of “training load” to develop a progressive fitness training program for firefighters.
Firefighters at the scene of a 2023 fire

Battling Firefighter Cancer through Legislation and Resources

The National Volunteer Fire Council discusses two of the major legislative initiatives it supports in the effort to combat firefighter cancer.
Firefighter at church fire

Defining Resilience for Firefighters

Are firefighters becoming less resilient over time? Are we training our firefighters how to be more mentally resilient? Brandon Evans shares some of his research…
Evan Webster

What’s Your Gear Setup? Evan Webster

Bladensburg (MD) Volunteer Fire Department firefighter Evan Webster takes us through his firefighting gear.

Wichita (KS) Launches Firefighter Wellness Initiative to Combat Cancer

Wichita Fire Station One kicked off a firefighter wellness initiative to begin providing yearly cancer screenings for Wichita firefighters.

New Bill Aims to Expand Cancer Death Benefits for NC Firefighters

A new bill working its way through the North Carolina General Assembly would expand death benefits for firefighters diagnosed with cancer.